Student Life

Build lifelong friendships with fellow students who share your interests, passions, and perspectives.

Faculty of Communication, Visual Art & Computing takes full advantage of its location in one of the most vibrant and diverse cities in the world. The faculty mission drives our focus on quality education for all and service to our neighbors in need.

Beyond academics, students on campus participate in a variety of extracurricular activities. They take part in organizations and associations that support their hobbies, whether they be in the arts, sports, business, or volunteer work. In addition to enhancing their time at university, these extracurricular activities aid in the development of leadership qualities and the forming of enduring friendships.


Student organizations
and clubs on campus


Public programs every


Students living in on-
campus housing

Academic Programs

FCVAC organize workshops, seminars, and tutoring sessions to support students in their academic endeavors. These programs often focus on study skills, exam preparation, and career readiness, helping students to excel in their studies and prepare for future challenges.

Community Engagement

Many universities encourage students to participate in community service projects and volunteer activities. These initiatives aim to instill a sense of social responsibility and civic engagement among students, while also making a positive impact on the local community.

Sports and Recreation

Sports events and recreational activities are also popular among students. Universities have well-equipped sports facilities where students can participate in various sports leagues, tournaments, and fitness classes. These activities promote physical well-being and teamwork among students.



Bachelor in Information Technology

“My journey at UNISEL began in 2020. It’s been a whirlwind of experiences, some sweet and some challenging, all shared with amazing friends. I’m thrilled to say I have found my footing here and can’t wait to see what the rest of my degree holds. ”


Are you ready to take the next step toward your future career?