
Visit of Kuala Selangor Vocational College students to the Broadcasting Studio of the Faculty of Communication, Visual Arts and Computing, UNISEL in conjunction with the ‘Let’s Go Live With Broadcasting’ program on 22 August 2024.

Pleased to be informed, the Department of Communication (COMM) will organize an carnival of lecturers works on the following schedule

Are you passionate about volunteering amidst the splendor of nature? This program aims to foster and reinforce the spirit of  volunteerism among students …

Unleash the power of Linux! PEMATEK’s TAMING THE PENGUIN workshop dives into the world of Linux, equipping you with the skills to navigate this powerful operating system. Led by experienced professional Irfan Badzlin Bin Badrul Hisham, this hands-on workshop will elevate your tech capabilities. Join us and unlock the potential of Linux!…

On  April 25 – 23 Mei, 2024, Visual Art Department (VAD) will be organizing an exhibition of the lecturer’s work.

Prof Dr Md Sidin Ahmak Ishak, a TNC Academic, shared his knowledge on appreciating aesthetics in the FCVAC RESEARCH TALK SERIES: APPRECIATING AESTHETICS session.

A workshop that teaches on how to use AI in workspace held by Nusantara by Selangor Digital School cooperated with Faculty of Communication, Visual Arts & Computing, Unisel.