Bachelor (Honours) Digital Graphic Design


The programme aims to provide graduates with high quality education, advanced technical knowledge, communication and marketing skills in creativity and design innovation as well as to have visual expression and communications in art and design.

Graduates with a Bachelor of Art (Hons) in Digital Graphic Design obtain basic skills on fundamental knowledge of principles and elements of art and design and photography.


The programme aims to emphasize on the effective application of analytical and the creative thinking processes; so as to ensure our graduates will inculcate positive values and attitudes, stressing on ethics and professionalism, possess leadership qualities and ethical teamwork spirit in the diverse cultures of the nation. Ultimately, the program aims to provide them with an educational experience focusing on the pursuit of life-long learning.

Course Information

Career Prospect

  • Graphic Designer
  • Animator (2d /3d)
  • 2D / 3D Artist
  • Game Designer
  • Visualizer
  • Illustrator
  • Web Designer
  • Videographer
  • UX Designer
  • Product & 3d Designer
  • Art Director
  • Digital Imaging Analyst


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Coordinator of Programme

Mdm. Aiqa Afiqah Binti Isnin